Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I am noticing

I am noticing that the veils are starting to crack in our awareness. I know that I cannot be the only one dissatisfied with the way life in our times. I rebel.... completely, against the notion that my life revolves around a paycheck, and buying things. Isn't there more to life than this? In my dreams.... I notice I am so much more than I am in waking life. It is quite troublesome for me to wake up, actually, because the waking awareness has surely developed an epic ego, that is bent on satisfying its desires in trivial ways, leaving me dissatisfied, and broken inside. What is the point of all of this? I hope with every fiber of my being that consciousness IS shifting, and greater freedoms lie ahead. Who's with me?


Anonymous said...

life ceases to revolve around a pay check when we love our job, and indeed cease to use the words job or work at all

TRex said...

I am with you and so are many others..things should begin to change more rapidly over the next few years. The key is discussion...witness to the transformation.
