Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I notice now

I notice now.... that the happiest moments of my life.... have been the times when I forget who I am... whether it be looking at a beautiful flower, or being lost in a sunny day.... I was so alive in the moment that my existence was no longer singular. I had actually become the environment around me, the trees, the sky, the very stars in the sky existed for me, and were me.


Perhaps suffering has its own purpose.... to extinguish the flames of desire, and thus lead to everlasting peace; the peace of simultaneous time, the peace of eternity. Perhaps it is this peace I am longing after, and the pleasures of physicalness are outdated for me.

I am noticing

I am noticing that the veils are starting to crack in our awareness. I know that I cannot be the only one dissatisfied with the way life in our times. I rebel.... completely, against the notion that my life revolves around a paycheck, and buying things. Isn't there more to life than this? In my dreams.... I notice I am so much more than I am in waking life. It is quite troublesome for me to wake up, actually, because the waking awareness has surely developed an epic ego, that is bent on satisfying its desires in trivial ways, leaving me dissatisfied, and broken inside. What is the point of all of this? I hope with every fiber of my being that consciousness IS shifting, and greater freedoms lie ahead. Who's with me?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Behind the seeming normalities of "everyday life", there is an awareness that transcends the common; a knowing of the deeper knowledge within. We are all changing now; we can all feel it. It's inevitable that we have reached a great crossroads.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Societies will crumble under the weight of their own tyranny....
the illusions of life will be seen in their entirety....
it will be known that man is not a creature amidst the elements....
but that the inner psyche of man has created the elements....
and chosen to live among them....
Men and women of all races, all religions, will take what is rightfully
theirs.... and sit at the hand of exploring their own awareness....


Oceans will rise...... cities will fall..... empires will decay....
Restrictions and rules will be annihilated..... the sacredness of life
will be known and appreciated.... man will discover that he dreamed himself up....
and will be able to create better dreams....