Monday, October 8, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
September 16
It seems as though on the one hand I have learned a tremendous amount about the nature of energy, of reality.... but the beliefs I hold are difficult to be accepting of. I continue to make judgements on myself. I know that every time I make a judgement that something I did was "good", or "bad", I am continuing to subscribe to not be accepting of my beliefs. I continue to try.
Monday, September 3, 2007
It seems
It seems one of the points of life is to realize that all of your experiences come from within you.... that there IS no outside.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I notice now
I notice now.... that the happiest moments of my life.... have been the times when I forget who I am... whether it be looking at a beautiful flower, or being lost in a sunny day.... I was so alive in the moment that my existence was no longer singular. I had actually become the environment around me, the trees, the sky, the very stars in the sky existed for me, and were me.
Perhaps suffering has its own purpose.... to extinguish the flames of desire, and thus lead to everlasting peace; the peace of simultaneous time, the peace of eternity. Perhaps it is this peace I am longing after, and the pleasures of physicalness are outdated for me.
I am noticing
I am noticing that the veils are starting to crack in our awareness. I know that I cannot be the only one dissatisfied with the way life in our times. I rebel.... completely, against the notion that my life revolves around a paycheck, and buying things. Isn't there more to life than this? In my dreams.... I notice I am so much more than I am in waking life. It is quite troublesome for me to wake up, actually, because the waking awareness has surely developed an epic ego, that is bent on satisfying its desires in trivial ways, leaving me dissatisfied, and broken inside. What is the point of all of this? I hope with every fiber of my being that consciousness IS shifting, and greater freedoms lie ahead. Who's with me?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Behind the seeming normalities of "everyday life", there is an awareness that transcends the common; a knowing of the deeper knowledge within. We are all changing now; we can all feel it. It's inevitable that we have reached a great crossroads.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Societies will crumble under the weight of their own tyranny....
the illusions of life will be seen in their entirety....
it will be known that man is not a creature amidst the elements....
but that the inner psyche of man has created the elements....
and chosen to live among them....
Men and women of all races, all religions, will take what is rightfully
theirs.... and sit at the hand of exploring their own awareness....
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I suggest letting go of what you assume to be "absolutes", for they are not; and it may be QUITE traumatic to let go of your "official accepted reality". Whatever you may "think" you know to be absolute, I assure you is not, and is subject to change. STOP assuming there are forces outside of yourself, and start living up to the responsibilities of creating your own reality.
I say to you, you are all suffering from the worst case of amnesia you could fathom. You speak of gods and goddesses outside of yourself, because you do not understand. You can not see what is beyond the known avenues of physical reality; therefore, you have made stories about gods and have called them religions. It matters not; they are all flawed in their analysis, yet they all contain elements of helpfulness as well. It would be incomprehensible to you if you began to glimpse your multi-dimensional nature, and your power.
Anything is possible?
Truly, I say to you, anything is possible. You need not deliberate in terms of time if you trust yourself. It will be irrelevant and unneccessary to you.
Let go
Let go... of everything you ever supposed you knew; everything you supposed were absolutes, for they were not. Truly, you see things that are VERY real, and SEEM very absolute, BUT they are not, they are all subject to change. Be attached not, for attachments spring unnecessary sorrow, but it is always possible to change in a blink. We have considered things in "time" for quite some "time", BUT it IS irrelevant, and determined upon what you believe at any instant.
Self acceptance may be the causal factor to actual changes in ways of seeing, for if you accept self, then even your life is not an indicator of your worth; not your accomplishments, for your worth is not even dependent on such things. Therefore, your worth is a much deeper phenomenon.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Beauty of the individual
The "truth" is written on your pupils, in the locks of your hair, in the pores of your skin. The "truth" is that the individual is everything, that everything begins in the first place within the individual. Instead of pondering "outside" things, looking up at the universe as if it is something outside of you, so big, so far, realize that it all comes from within YOU, that it all comes back to YOU. Instead of looking up at the night sky that is so magnificent, supposing that something "else" has made it, when you start to ask how it is YOU play a part in everything you see, begin to be amazed.
Which feels better... more right? To listen to the advice or others, or follow that feeling of when you were but a child, excited at your choices, caring not about others opinions; when you didn't even know HOW to care about others opinions.
What if, just maybe, your worth is you? Instead of seeking approval from others, why not fall in love with who you are?
The Individual
The great truth about the wonder and power of the individual will be understood. In a dimension where the individual was formerly thrown into the masses, and seemingly unimportant, new possibilities arise; possibilities where each and every individual, rather than being directed by societies and masses, will direct themselves....
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
If the beauty (of life) all comes from inside you... then why be afraid of losing anything, for you have created all of it; it has come from within you.... you created all of it, so you lose nothing, ever, only gain.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Sometimes, it seems to be me that society is well... falling apart. Too many rules, too many guidelines. Not enough freedom. The people on top trying to control everyone else, can't be much longer. Great changes are upon us, ah, yes, not only changes of society, this would be trivial. Life itself is changing.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Keep your Chin up!
You know, I have to say that no matter what happens, it is always important to keep your chin up. Keep hoping for a brighter day tomorrow, and it will come. Do not let temporarily unhappiness turn into long term unhappiness, stay true to yourself. Stop caring so much about what other people are doing, and focus on yourself, and you will be amazed!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Plants Clean the Air
Plants are not only beautiful to look at and a wonderful addition to a room, but did you know that they actually clean the air? Studies have found that certain plants are particuarly effective at removing harmful gases and cleaning the air indoors. Flowers such as chrysanthemums and gerbera daisies are particuarly effective at removing benzene. Other effective plants are dracenas, ferns, palms, and spider plants. Peace lilies are also very good.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What do you do to treat yourself?
We live in a society that arguably insists that there is an intrinsic need to serve others, but I have one question. How in the world are you supposed to serve anyone unless you get your own situation fixed first? I really want to make the point of loving oneself first. Sure, everyone says that they love themselves, but do they really? It is important to be honest with yourself; admit where you need work, but congratulate yourself where you've done well. Treat yourself. Have a nice dinner once in a while.
Peaceful Place
Where's your peaceful place? Where do you go where you know you can count on a serene place where nobody will bother you. I think we all need these in our lives. For me, I go to a park near me where there are no paved trails, no people really, just total peace. The question is: where is YOUR peaceful place?
I think crystals are really cool; always have. There is just something about them that has always seemed mystical and magical. In my opinion, I think that crystals are sort of "conduits" of energy. That is to say there might be beneficial effects from having them around. Crystals such as amethyst are not only absolutely beautiful, but might even possess magical type qualities. At the very least, they are certainly beautiful!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Water is perhaps the most wondrous substance I know of. Our bodies are around two thirds water. Consequently, the Earth is two thirds water as well; an interesting correlation. The thing about water though is that it teaches us a lot about life. Sometimes water flows peacefully and gently; other times, it crashes. On one side, water is absolutely essential for wellness, yet water can also be destructive. Water is in my opinion an excellent example of the yin and yang in action.
Japanese Tea Gardens
Is it me, or are japanese tea gardens one of the most peaceful and beautiful types of gardens I have ever encountered? If you haven't ever been to a japanese tea garden, and there is one around you, even a small one, you should definitely check it out. There are many types of japanese tea gardens, including pond gardens, sitting gardens, tea gardens (which usually include a tea hut of some kind), and strolling gardens to name a few. Some of the more common plants you will be fortunate enough to see will include bamboos, evergreens, ferns, mosses, but these are only naming a few of countless types of absolutely beautiful plants. Often, the use of stones and water is significant in the japanese tea gardens. Traditional gardens do not contain fountains, however, and you are more likely to see natural based water. Lanterns are often placed beside some of the most prominent water basins to represent the female and male elements of water and fire, which is really interesting! This is part of the Taoist tradition (yin, and yang). Again, if you have the chance to check out these beautiful gardens, please do so! I guarantee you that you will love it.
Friday, April 20, 2007
No absolutes
Have you ever noticed the way you think in absolutes? You are either ALL this or ALL that? You are either rich, or you are poor. You are either doing great, or your doing terrible? I don't know about you, but it is awfully funny how sometimes this is the way I see things. Do you think it is the way some of us were raised? Maybe. Look at our religions. Most of them say either you are good bad. Look at heaven and hell! What could be more polar opposite??? It's like, hey, you're either going to the most wonderful, greatest place you could possibly be forever, OR you're going to the worst possible place forever!! I was shocked when I finally came to realize the absurdity of this entire concept! I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous how it applies to just about everything! The truth is that there are so, so many in betweens to everythings, and gray areas. It's very interesting how change is always constant, yet the stubborn conscious mind resists change.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I have a deep love and fascination for gardens and plants in general. The feeling of being surrounded by such awe-inspring beauty is truly magnificent. The delicate aroma of flowers instantly puts me at ease, and enables me to be in a state of total serenity. I really recommend getting out into nature more, whenever possible. Furthermore, being around flowers and plantation in general is certainly wonderful for me.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I am here to share what I have found
There is no question that in our world today, the deeper questions of life and our origins vibrate within our psyches at levels that we can no longer ignore. We face the deepening threats of hate and violence, overpopulation, but most importantly; suffering. We all know what suffering is, and we all wish to seek pleasure over pain. Yet how many of us have the tools and resources (psychological, spiritual, or otherwise) to reach such bliss? We all have issues that we are working on. Whether one is a multi-millionaire, or struggling to make ends meat, lives in North America or China, we all want to be happy. Understanding this fundamental truth is imperative. Many world religions have time and time again imposed an atmosphere of guilt and shame, all of which do nothing to help the current state of affairs. I assure you that regardless of who you are, or what you have ever done, there is never reason for guilt. If there is one phrase I wish to emphasize over all others, and instill in the deepest sections of my heart, it is self-acceptance. There are always aspects of ourselves that we like and we dislike. Self-acceptance, as far as I understand the term, is not discrediting the parts you do not like, and trying to change them. Accepting who you are means accepting all of who you are. The questions of the universe and its functions ring through our hearts like never before, beckoning some of us to make inquiries about the nature of reality. Yet when one is on this path, one needs to be aware that there will be great changes, and indeed not much to hold onto. How can you expect to be happy if you live seeking others approval? This is like a dog chasing its own tail. Eventually, you must decide to express yourself regardless, even if this means that others do not accept.
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